@import '../core/typography/typography-utils';
@import '../core/theming/palette';
@import '../core/style/elevation';

@mixin mat-snack-bar-theme($theme) {
  $is-dark-theme: map-get($theme, is-dark);
  $accent: map-get($theme, accent);

  .mat-snack-bar-container {
    // Use the primary text on the dark theme, even though the lighter one uses
    // a secondary, because the contrast on the light primary text is poor.
    color: if($is-dark-theme, $dark-primary-text, $light-secondary-text);
    background: if($is-dark-theme, map-get($mat-grey, 50), #323232);

    @include _mat-theme-elevation(6, $theme);

  .mat-simple-snackbar-action {
    color: if($is-dark-theme, inherit, mat-color($accent, text));

@mixin mat-snack-bar-typography($config) {
  .mat-simple-snackbar {
    font: {
      family: mat-font-family($config, body-1);
      size: mat-font-size($config, body-1);

  .mat-simple-snackbar-action {
    line-height: 1;
    font: {
      family: inherit;
      size: inherit;
      weight: mat-font-weight($config, button);