// // Copyright 2018 Google Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // @use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting'; @use '@material/animation/functions' as animation-functions; @use '@material/button/mixins' as button-mixins; @use '@material/icon-button/mixins' as icon-button-mixins; @use '@material/ripple/ripple-theme'; @use '@material/rtl/mixins' as rtl-mixins; @use '@material/typography/typography'; @use '@material/elevation/mixins' as elevation-mixins; @use '@material/shape/mixins' as shape-mixins; @use '@material/theme/theme'; @use './variables'; @mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation); // postcss-bem-linter: define snackbar .mdc-snackbar { @include z-index(variables.$z-index, $query: $query); @include viewport-margin(variables.$viewport-margin-narrow, $query: $query); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { display: none; position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; align-items: center; justify-content: center; box-sizing: border-box; // Ignore mouse events on the root layout element. pointer-events: none; // For some reason, iOS Safari displays a tap highlight on the entire snackbar element. // Mobile Safari only supports `rgba` values for this property; named values like // `transparent` are ignored. From Apple's docs: // > This property obeys the alpha value, if specified. // > If you don’t specify an alpha value, Safari on iOS applies a default alpha value to the color. // > To disable tap highlighting, set the alpha value to 0 (invisible). // > If you set the alpha value to 1.0 (opaque), the element is not visible when tapped. // See https://github.com/ben-eb/postcss-colormin/issues/1 -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } } @include fill-color(variables.$fill-color, $query: $query); @include label-ink-color(variables.$label-ink-color, $query: $query); @include min-width(variables.$min-width, $query: $query); @include max-width(variables.$max-width, $query: $query); @include elevation(variables.$elevation, $query: $query); @include shape-radius(variables.$shape-radius, $query: $query); .mdc-snackbar--opening, .mdc-snackbar--open, .mdc-snackbar--closing { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { display: flex; } } .mdc-snackbar--open .mdc-snackbar__label, .mdc-snackbar--open .mdc-snackbar__actions { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { visibility: visible; } } .mdc-snackbar--leading { @include position-leading($query: $query); } .mdc-snackbar--stacked { @include layout-stacked($query: $query); } .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { @include rtl-mixins.reflexive-property(padding, 0, variables.$padding); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start; box-sizing: border-box; transform: scale(0.8); opacity: 0; } .mdc-snackbar--open & { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; // Allow mouse events on surface element while snackbar is open } @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) { transition: animation-functions.enter( opacity, variables.$enter-duration ), animation-functions.enter(transform, variables.$enter-duration); } } .mdc-snackbar--closing & { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { transform: scale(1); } @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) { transition: animation-functions.exit-permanent( opacity, variables.$exit-duration ); } } } .mdc-snackbar__label { @include typography.typography(variables.$label-type-scale, $query: $query); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { @include rtl-mixins.reflexive-property(padding, 16px, variables.$padding); width: 100%; flex-grow: 1; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; visibility: hidden; // 14px top/bottom padding needed to make the height 48px. padding-top: 14px; padding-bottom: 14px; } } // Used to prevent visual jank when announcing label text to screen readers. // See the `announce()` function in util.js for details. .mdc-snackbar__label::before { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { display: inline; content: attr(data-mdc-snackbar-label-text); } } .mdc-snackbar__actions { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box; visibility: hidden; } } .mdc-snackbar__action { @include button-mixins.ink-color( variables.$action-ink-color, $query: $query ); @include ripple-theme.states(variables.$action-ink-color, $query: $query); } .mdc-snackbar__dismiss { @include icon-button-mixins.ink-color( variables.$dismiss-ink-color, $query: $query ); } // Two selectors are needed to increase specificity above `.material-icons`. // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-class-pattern .mdc-snackbar__dismiss.mdc-snackbar__dismiss { @include icon-button-mixins.icon-size( variables.$dismiss-icon-size, $query: $query ); } .mdc-snackbar__action + .mdc-snackbar__dismiss { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { @include rtl-mixins.reflexive-property(margin, variables.$padding, 0); } } // postcss-bem-linter: end } @mixin fill-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color); .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) { @include theme.prop(background-color, $color); } } } @mixin label-ink-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color); .mdc-snackbar__label { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) { @include theme.prop(color, $color); } } } @mixin shape-radius( $radius, $rtl-reflexive: false, $query: feature-targeting.all() ) { .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include shape-mixins.radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive, $query: $query); } } @mixin min-width( $min-width, $mobile-breakpoint: variables.$mobile-breakpoint, $query: feature-targeting.all() ) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { min-width: $min-width; // The first media query ensures that snackbars are always 100% width on mobile devices, as required by the spec. // The second media query prevents snackbars from being wider than the viewport for large min-width values. @media (max-width: $mobile-breakpoint), (max-width: $min-width) { min-width: 100%; } } } } @mixin max-width($max-width, $query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { max-width: $max-width; } } } @mixin elevation($z-index, $query: feature-targeting.all()) { .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include elevation-mixins.elevation($z-index, $query: $query); } } @mixin viewport-margin($margin, $query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { margin: $margin; } } @mixin z-index($z-index, $query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { z-index: $z-index; } } @mixin position-leading($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { justify-content: flex-start; } } @mixin layout-stacked($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); .mdc-snackbar__label { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { @include rtl-mixins.reflexive-property(padding, 16px, 8px); padding-bottom: 12px; } } .mdc-snackbar__surface { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; } } .mdc-snackbar__actions { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { align-self: flex-end; margin-bottom: variables.$padding; } } }