## 1.1.6 (2021-09-21) ### Bug fixes Fix a crash in `liftListItem` that happens when list items that can't be merged are lifted together. ## 1.1.5 (2021-07-06) ### Bug fixes Fix an issue where `splitListItem` would delete content when activated in a sublist that had content directly after it. ## 1.1.4 (2020-08-11) ### Bug fixes Fix a regression where `liftListItem` couldn't lift a paragraph from the end of a composite list item. ## 1.1.3 (2020-08-04) ### Bug fixes Fix an issue where `splitListItem` could delete other content in the item when pressing enter in an empty paragraph that had other content below it in a list item. ## 1.1.2 (2019-11-20) ### Bug fixes Rename ES module files to use a .js extension, since Webpack gets confused by .mjs ## 1.1.1 (2019-11-19) ### Bug fixes The file referred to in the package's `module` field now is compiled down to ES5. ## 1.1.0 (2019-11-08) ### New features Add a `module` field to package json file. ## 1.0.4 (2019-10-08) ### Bug fixes Fix regression where `splitListItem` doesn't work at the end of an item when the content for list items has different first and non-first allowed nodes. ## 1.0.3 (2019-04-19) ### Bug fixes `sinkListItem` will no longer copy the attributes of the parent list when creating an inner list. ## 1.0.2 (2019-01-31) ### Bug fixes `sinkListItem` no longer preserves marks from the outer list when creating an inner list. ## 1.0.1 (2018-03-16) ### Bug fixes Fixes a bug that caused [`wrapInList`](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/#schema-list.wrapInList) to split list items in the wrong place. ## 0.23.0 (2017-09-13) ### Bug fixes The [`splitListItem` command](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.23.0.html#schema-list.splitListItem) now splits the parent list item when executed in a (trailing) empty list item in a nested list. ## 0.20.0 (2017-04-03) ### New features The [`liftListItem`](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.20.0.html#schema-list.liftListItem) command can now lift items out of a list entirely, when the parent node isn't another list. ## 0.11.0 (2016-09-21) ### Breaking changes New module combining the node [specs](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.11.0.html#model.NodeSpec) from [schema-basic](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.11.0.html#schema-basic), and the list-related [commands](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.11.0.html#commands) from the commands module.