// // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project. // stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern @use 'sass:color'; @use 'sass:map'; @use '@material/animation/functions' as functions2; @use '@material/animation/variables' as variables2; @use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins; @use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting'; @use '@material/theme/theme'; @use '@material/theme/theme-color'; @use './ripple-theme'; @mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) { // postcss-bem-linter: define ripple-surface $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); .mdc-ripple-surface { @include surface($query: $query); @include ripple-theme.states($query: $query); @include radius-bounded($query: $query); @include surface-styles($query: $query); &[data-mdc-ripple-is-unbounded] { @include radius-unbounded($query: $query); @include unbounded-styles($query: $query); } &--primary { @include ripple-theme.states(primary, $query: $query); } &--accent { @include ripple-theme.states(secondary, $query: $query); } } // postcss-bem-linter: end } @mixin surface-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { position: relative; outline: none; overflow: hidden; } } @mixin unbounded-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { overflow: visible; } } @mixin common($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation); // Ensure that styles needed by any component using MDC Ripple are emitted, but only once. // (Every component using MDC Ripple imports these mixins, but doesn't necessarily import // mdc-ripple.scss.) @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) { @include base-mixins.emit-once('mdc-ripple/common/animation') { @include keyframes_; } } } @mixin surface( $query: feature-targeting.all(), $ripple-target: '&', $include-will-change: true // TODO(b/151931961): Remove once resolved ) { $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation); $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { --mdc-ripple-fg-size: 0; --mdc-ripple-left: 0; --mdc-ripple-top: 0; --mdc-ripple-fg-scale: 1; --mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end: 0; --mdc-ripple-fg-translate-start: 0; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // TODO(b/151931961): Remove the following block once resolved @if $include-will-change { will-change: transform, opacity; } } #{$ripple-target}::before, #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; content: ''; } } #{$ripple-target}::before { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) { // Also transition background-color to avoid unnatural color flashes when toggling activated/selected state transition: opacity ripple-theme.$states-wash-duration linear, background-color ripple-theme.$states-wash-duration linear; } @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { z-index: 1; // Ensure that the ripple wash for hover/focus states is displayed on top of positioned child elements } } // Common styles for upgraded surfaces (some of these depend on custom properties set via JS or other mixins) &.mdc-ripple-upgraded { #{$ripple-target}::before { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { transform: scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-scale, 1)); } } #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { top: 0; /* @noflip */ left: 0; transform: scale(0); transform-origin: center center; } } } &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--unbounded { #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { top: var(--mdc-ripple-top, 0); /* @noflip */ left: var(--mdc-ripple-left, 0); } } } &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--foreground-activation { #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) { animation: mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in ripple-theme.$translate-duration forwards, mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-in ripple-theme.$fade-in-duration forwards; } } } &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--foreground-deactivation { #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) { animation: mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-out ripple-theme.$fade-out-duration; } @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { // Retain transform from mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in activation transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end, 0)) scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-scale, 1)); } } } } @mixin radius-bounded( $radius: 100%, $query: feature-targeting.all(), $ripple-target: '&' ) { $feat-struture: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); #{$ripple-target}::before, #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) { top: calc(50% - #{$radius}); /* @noflip */ left: calc(50% - #{$radius}); width: $radius * 2; height: $radius * 2; } } &.mdc-ripple-upgraded { #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) { width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius); height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius); } } } } @mixin radius-unbounded( $radius: 100%, $query: feature-targeting.all(), $ripple-target: '&' ) { $feat-struture: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); #{$ripple-target}::before, #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) { top: calc(50% - #{$radius / 2}); /* @noflip */ left: calc(50% - #{$radius / 2}); width: $radius; height: $radius; } } &.mdc-ripple-upgraded { #{$ripple-target}::before, #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) { top: var(--mdc-ripple-top, calc(50% - #{$radius / 2})); /* @noflip */ left: var(--mdc-ripple-left, calc(50% - #{$radius / 2})); width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius); height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius); } } #{$ripple-target}::after { @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) { width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius); height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius); } } } } // Common styles for a ripple target element. // Used for components which have an inner ripple target element. @mixin target-common($query: feature-targeting.all()) { $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure); @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; // Necessary for clicks on other inner elements (e.g. close icon in chip) // to go through. pointer-events: none; } } @mixin keyframes_ { @keyframes mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in { from { animation-timing-function: variables2.$standard-curve-timing-function; // NOTE: For these keyframes, we do not need custom property fallbacks because they are only // used in conjunction with `.mdc-ripple-upgraded`. Since MDCRippleFoundation checks to ensure // that custom properties are supported within the browser before adding this class, we can // safely use them without a fallback. transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-start, 0)) scale(1); } to { transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end, 0)) scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-scale, 1)); } } @keyframes mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-in { from { animation-timing-function: linear; opacity: 0; } to { opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-opacity, 0); } } @keyframes mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-out { from { animation-timing-function: linear; opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-opacity, 0); } to { opacity: 0; } } }