3.5.7: date: 2020-07-13 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.5.6: date: 2020-06-26 fixed bugs: - >- GH-589 Fixed a bug where asynchronous scripts are not executed in the browser chores: - Updated dependencies 3.5.5: date: 2020-06-14 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.5.4: date: 2020-06-05 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.5.3: date: 2020-03-02 chores: - GH-513 Added `codecov` for coverage checks - Updated dependencies 3.5.2: date: 2019-12-02 chores: - GH-511 Store boot code as base64 string - GH-512 Exclude response object from execution before dispatch - Updated dependencies 3.5.1: date: 2019-11-13 chores: - | GH-507 Updated console serialize replacer to generate verbose placeholders for non-teleported types - Updated dependencies 3.5.0: date: 2019-11-12 new features: - GH-502 Added support for non-JSON compatible data types in console logs - | GH-502 Added option `serializeLogs` to allow sending `teleport-javascript` serialized logs - 'GH-504 Added support for functions, weakMaps, etc. in console logs' chores: - Updated dependencies 3.4.0: date: 2019-10-01 new features: - GH-496 Added support for `pm.collectionVariables` VariableScope chores: - Updated dependencies 3.3.3: date: 2019-09-06 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.3.2: date: 2019-08-14 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.3.1: date: 2019-08-02 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.3.0: date: 2019-08-01 new features: - GH-468 Updated `pm.cookies.jar` methods - | GH-464 Added APIs for visualizer operations with following methods. -> `pm.visualizer.set` - Allow setting visualizer template and its options ``` var template = '

Hello, {{name}}

', data = { name: 'Postman' }, options = { // options to use while processing the template }; pm.visualizer.set(template, data, options); ``` -> `pm.visualizer.clear` - Removes previously set visualizer template and its options ``` pm.visualizer.set(template, data, options); pm.visualizer.clear(); // will remove set template in above line ``` chores: - Updated dependencies 3.2.9: date: 2019-06-17 chores: - Bumped `postman-collection` to `v3.5.0` 3.2.8: date: 2019-06-07 chores: - Bumped `postman-collection` to `v3.4.9` - Updated dependencies 3.2.7: date: 2019-04-26 new features: - | Added support for adding asynchronous tests when using `pm.test` by passing `done` callback ``` // example of asynchronous test pm.test('this is a test name', function (done) { // do some async stuff here and call `done` pm.sendRequest(done); }); ``` - | Added `history` argument to callback of pm.sendRequest() which contains received cookies in response ``` // use of `history` argument pm.sendRequest(url, function(err, res, history) { console.log(history.cookies.all()); }); ``` - >- Added CookieJar to pm.cookies which dispatches CookieStore event `execution.cookies.${id}` and expects `execution.cookies.${id}` chores: - Updated dependencies 3.2.6: date: 2019-03-19 chores: - Bumped `postman-collection` to `v3.4.6` 3.2.5: date: 2019-03-01 chores: - Bumped `postman-collection` to `v3.4.5` - Bumped `uvm` to `v1.7.5` 3.2.4: date: 2019-02-20 chores: - Bumped `postman-collection` to `v3.4.4` 3.2.3: date: 2019-02-1 chores: - Bumped `postman-collection` to `v3.4.2` 3.2.2: date: 2019-01-3 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.2.1: date: 2018-12-25 fixed bugs: - >- Updated `chai-postman` to `v1.1.1`, which fixes a JSON schema assertion bug 3.2.0: date: 2018-12-24 new features: - GH-373 Added Ajv JSON schema validator - Deprecated tv4 in favor of Ajv fixed bugs: - GH-374 Fixed a bug that caused negated assertions to persist chores: - Migrated tests to chai expect assertions - Updated dependencies 3.1.3: date: 2018-09-21 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.1.2: date: 2018-08-20 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.1.1: date: 2018-06-30 fixed bugs: - >- Fixed a bug that caused executions to crash when context variables have tracked mutations 3.1.0: date: 2018-06-28 new features: - >- Added change tracking to sandbox variables. Now execution result has `mutations` which has recorded all the changes that were made during the script execution. chores: - Updated dependencies 3.0.8: date: 2018-05-24 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.0.7: date: 2018-05-16 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.0.6: date: 2018-04-10 fixed bugs: - 'Reverted GH-273: Chai assignment fix' 3.0.5: date: 2018-04-9 fixed bugs: - Fixed a bug that caused negated assertions to persist - >- Updated `uvm` to `v1.7.1`, which fixes iframe bootcode loading for large bundles - >- Updated `chai-postman` to `v1.0.2`, which fixes a response status assertion bug chores: - Updated dependencies 3.0.4: date: 2017-11-30 chores: - Updated dependencies 3.0.3: date: 2017-11-20 new features: - | Get and set objects in variables with `json` type // set objects as values for `json types` pm.variables.set('myObject', { version: 'v1' }, 'json'); // get object values console.log(pm.variables.get('myObject')); // { version: 'v1' } console.log(typeof pm.variables.get('myObject')); // object 3.0.2: date: 2017-11-9 chores: - Made error messages for legacy test failure assertions useful 3.0.1: date: 2017-11-8 fixed bugs: - >- Fixed a bug where assertions for legacy test failures did not include the assertion `error` chores: - Updated dependencies 3.0.0: date: 2017-11-7 breaking changes: - >- `execution.assertion` and `execution.assertions.${id}` events are now passed with array of assertions - Added support for collection variables using `collectionVariables` - >- Variables set with `pm.variables` state are now bubbled with `execution.result.${id}` as `_variables` chores: - Updated dependencies 2.3.5: date: 2017-10-13 new features: - >- GH-212 Replaced in-house chai assertion extensions with chai-postman (https://github.com/postmanlabs/chai-postman) chores: - Updated dependencies 2.3.4: date: 2017-09-27 fixed bugs: - GH-203 Fixed a bug that caused internal assertion helpers to be leaked - >- GH-196 Shifted `browserify` to `devDependencies`, thereby reducing package size - GH-193 Fixed script timeout bug - GH-186 Added support for `console.error` 2.3.3: date: 2017-08-28 chores: - GH-178 Bumped `xml2js` to `v0.4.19` - GH-180 Bumped `postman-collection` to `v2.1.3` 2.3.2: date: 2017-08-21 fixed bugs: - >- GH-176 Fixed an issue that caused missing headers in assertions to crash test scripts chores: - GH-156 Updated `csv-parse` to v1.2.1 2.3.1: date: 2017-08-18 new features: - GH-106 Support for timers inside sandbox (not in browser) - 'Added `url`, `punycode`, and `querystring` to the Sandbox' - >- Added `pm.sendRequest` which dispatches event `execution.request.${id}` and expects `execution.response.${id}` fixed bugs: - >- GH-169 Prevented disabled headers from showing up in `request.headers` in the sandbox - >- Fixed bug where `pm.test` called without an assertion function would not trigger assertion event chores: - Updated dependencies 2.3.0: date: 2017-06-27 new features: - GH-133 Added csv-parse (synchronous) to the sandbox chores: - Updated dependencies 2.2.0: date: 2017-06-14 new features: - GH-122 Added moment (without locales) to the Sandbox chores: - Updated dependencies 2.1.5: date: 2017-05-16 fixed bugs: - >- Fixed bug that caused an invalid version of Collection SDK to be cached on prepublish 2.1.4: date: 2017-05-15 chores: - update postman-collection to version 1.2.5 2.1.3: date: 2017-05-12 new features: - Introduced `pm.variables` as a unified interface for variable access - 'Renamed `pm.data` to `pm.iterationData`, exposed as a `VariableScope`' fixed bugs: - >- Updated `uniscope` to v1.1.1, which contains a bugfix for handling falsey globals 2.1.2: date: 2017-05-8 fixed bugs: - GH-89 Assertion event indices now begin with `0` 2.1.1: date: 2017-04-25 new features: - >- Added request and response assertions in form of `pm.request.to` and `pm.response.to` - '`pm.cookies` is now available' 2.1.0: date: 2017-04-13 new features: - Initial release of the `pm` API - >- `pm.globals`, `pm.environment` - VariableScope (http://www.postmanlabs.com/postman-collection/VariableScope.html) - >- `pm.request` - Request (http://www.postmanlabs.com/postman-collection/Request.html) - >- `pm.response` - Response (http://www.postmanlabs.com/postman-collection/Response.html) (only available in test scripts) 2.0.0: date: 2017-04-05 breaking changes: - >- Removed legacy handling of environment and collections (both are now `VariableScope`s - 'Introduced a standardized execution result object, `Execution`' - Removed the `masked` options which were used by the sandbox 1.0.1: date: 2017-01-06 new features: - >- Shifted to deprecated `new Buffer()` function for full node v4 compatibility - Tests for BOM support in JSON.parse chores: - Dependency shift from optional dependencies to dev dependencies 1.0.0: date: 2016-12-29 fixed bugs: - Fixed missing clear immediate 0.0.1-beta.11: date: 2016-12-27 fixed bugs: - Added the missing clearImmediate stub timer 0.0.1-beta.10: date: 2016-12-27 new features: - Sandbox library tests - Added stub timer functions that do nothing except trigger console message - >- Compatibility with Postman Legacy sandbox framework (and other improvements) fixed bugs: - Fix binding issue of the stub timers - User error and informational console events - Replaced deprecated buffer-browserify with feross buffer and added tests - >- Fixed issue with XMLHttpRequest variable name being incorrect inside sandbox 0.0.1-beta.9: date: 2016-12-21 new features: - Added UVM with external iframe support for sandboxed chrome packaged apps 0.0.1-beta.8: date: 2016-12-20 new features: - Added additional relaxations of sandbox + jQuery for browser variant - Updated UVM to beta version which supports timeouts - Added tests to check state of optional dependencies - Update to accept parameter changes in UVM 0.0.1-beta.7: date: 2016-12-16 fixed bugs: - Made Postman execute use a common scope object - Fix crypto-js dependency release issue. 0.0.1-beta.6: date: 2016-12-2 new features: - Made all executions follow legacy IO structure - Added fully functional PostmanConsole inside library fixed bugs: - Bugfix using loads merge instead of assign! - Updated uniscope to a non buggy unjailed mode version - >- Ensured that xml2js is exposed as xml2Json instead of original library inside sandbox 0.0.1-beta.5: date: 2016-12-1 new features: - Added test for loads library inside sandbox - Made default bundling option detect globals - >- Moved requirement of sandbox globals to inside scope execution and ran it in unjailed mode fixed bugs: - Fixed bug with context.dispose trying to access undefined variable 0.0.1-beta.4: date: 2016-11-30 new features: - Added console support - Added polymorphism to the data argument of execution - Made execution debug options be inherited during construction - Made the sandbox execute event accept the current (legacy) data format - Made sandbox load files relative to itself 0.0.1-beta.3: date: 2016-11-30 new features: - Made the file loading of bundler use absolute path - Move vendor out one level 0.0.1-beta.2: date: 2016-11-30 new features: - Made the dependency on bundling not be needed if cache is present - Added pre-publish script for initial testing 0.0.1-beta.1: date: 2016-11-30 initial release: - Added initial codebase - Added boilerplate configuration files.