# Changelog ## 2.4.0 - HashMap instances are now compatible ES6 iterators. Thanks @NathanJang ## 2.3.0 - Constructor now supports a 2D array 2D of key-value pair. Thanks @ulikoehler - Renamed `remove()` to `delete()`. `remove()` is now deprecated and kept temporarily. Thanks @ulikoehler - Added `.size` member. `count()` is now deprecated and kept temporarily. Thanks @ulikoehler ## 2.2.0 - Added entries() method to hashmaps. Thanks @ulikoehler ## 2.1.0 - support ECMA 5 non-conformant behaviour of Microsoft edge #27. Thanks @freddiecoleman ## 2.0.6 - Names of chained methods is hardcoded rather than using the "return" trick. Fixes bug when minified, thanks @fresheneesz. - Added jshint to be run before any commit ## 2.0.5 - count() is now O(1), thanks @qbolec ## 2.0.4 - hasOwnProperty() is used to check for the internal expando, thanks @psionski ## 2.0.3 - forEach method accepts a context as 2nd argument, thanks @mvayngrib ## 2.0.2 - Make collisions rarer ## 2.0.1 - AMD CommonJS export is now compatible ## 2.0.0 - Added chaining to all methods with no returned value - Added multi() method - Added clone() method - Added copy() method - constructor accepts one argument for cloning or several for multi() ## 1.2.0 - Added search() method, thanks @rafalwrzeszcz ## 1.1.0 - AMD support, thanks @khrome ## 1.0.1 - forEach() callback receives the hashmap as `this` - Added keys() - Added values() ## 1.0.0 - First release