# Master (Unreleased) # 2.0.0 - 01 February, 2021 ### Breaking changes: - Drop support for Node < 6 - Remove support for job objects. See `UPGRADING.md` for more details. #557 ### New features: - Introduce compatibility with browsers and Electron #553 ### Bug fixes: - Avoid leaking memory on one-off jobs #581 - Address anonymous job id collision problem to ensure that node-schedule could run with the unlimited uptime #582 ### Internal changes: - Bump cron-parser from 2.18.0 to 3.1.0 #562 - Bump sinon from 1.17.7 to 9.2.4 #566 - Switch to nyc from istanbul #574 - Convert tests from nodeunit to Tape #575 - Replace var with let/const #577 - Execute airtap tests on a headless Chromium #578 - Make structure more modular #579